Figure out why I'm getting an error when trying to runserver

Fabio Rosado

No worries! happy to help, if you need help with anything else let me know on Telegram, twitter, email or whatever haha

Vicki Langer Author

Good to know. Thank you, that really does help. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out.

Fabio Rosado

Basically when you are creating a virtual environment, you are setting up a new python environment for that folder, which means that all other dependencies/libraries that you installed outside the virtual environment will not work and you will have to install them on the virtual environment.

You will only have to do this once, then when you change projects with different environments you just need to exit your current one and start a new one.

Virtual environments help you keep the dependencies in check, when you are working on different projects some might need a dependency with verison 2.1 while another 3.4. Virtual environments help you having just one python folder for every project and they are separated from all the others.

Fabio Rosado

Have you installed django on your virtualenvironment? Seems like thats the issue πŸ‘

Vicki Langer Author

Seriously, thank you for the help. I finally have something that is working! I might be able to relax this weekend and feel good about having something to do next week. :D

Fabio Rosado

Basically,​ when you are creating a virtual environment, you are setting up a new python environment for that folder, which means that all other dependencies/libraries that you installed outside the virtual environment will not work and you will have to install them on the virtual environment.

You will only have to do this once, then when you change projects with different environments you just need to exit your current one and start a new one.

Virtual environments help you keep the dependencies in check, when you are working on different projects some might need a dependency with version 2.1 while another 3.4. Virtual environments help you to have just one python folder for every project and they are separated from all the others.

I hope this helps :D

Vicki Langer Author

@fabiorosado I think I missed that part. So, I installe it on my computer, just fine. Now, when I initiate the virtualenvironment, I should then be installing django to it? Do I do this every time or just the first time?

Fabio Rosado

Haha its all good we all have to start from somewhere :D

Fabio Rosado

Thats awesome :D

Vicki Langer Author

ha, I don't think you want to leave that as an open invitation. I feel like I constantly have questions. :D

Vicki Langer Author

I'm alive again! Now to keep learning and making

Vicki Langer Author

Yeah, that's what StackOverflow said too. I ended up removing and reinstalling it.


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