⬣ Day 5: progress is slow but! TIL how to download just the few font icons needed instead of the whole fontawesome library
🛠 tool: IcoMoon App https://icomoon.io/app/
📄 full instructions: "Optimize Font Awesome to ridiculously low size of 10KB!" https://blog.webjeda.com/optimize-fontawesome/#the-easy-way
Done in this task:
✅ Add font icons selectively.
✅ Add one more project placeholder to make it 4 from 3.
✅ Change first row divs ratio from 70-30 to 85-15.
📄 full instructions: "Optimize Font Awesome to ridiculously low size of 10KB!" https://blog.webjeda.com/optimize-fontawesome/#the-easy-way
Done in this task:
✅ Add font icons selectively.
✅ Add one more project placeholder to make it 4 from 3.
✅ Change first row divs ratio from 70-30 to 85-15.