Full 1.0 release of

A good two years later, and I'm here at 1.0. Nodewood is finally at a place where I feel it represents a truly excellent foundation for a new SaaS business to start building on. It offers user management, team management, subscription management, an admin panel, a CLI tool, a variety of code patterns designed to save time developing, and a robust, infrastructure-as-code tool to deploy production builds to AWS in a scalable manner.

I've decided to keep the beta 20% discount around for a couple more weeks as a launch discount, since I didn't really advertising the imminent end of the beta period.

Up next, I've got another little SaaS idea of my own that I've been kicking around for a few months that Nodewood would be perfect for, which also makes this an excellent opportunity to discover what else I can add to Nodewood.

More details are up in the launch blog post: https://nodewood.com/blog/nodewood-1-0-official-full-release/
Josh Manders Staff

Congratulations, I checked it out, looking good!


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