Technical Planning

The entire idea behind this app is players are able to build bridge to cross over the river and eventually obtain the treasure. Though the UI is going to look like a tile based game. I dont intend to use canvas to create the app. Instead I'm going to attempt to use Laravel Livewire and AlpineJS to replicate the functionality.

Planning Livewire and AlpineJS prove to be quite a challenge. But the reason why I decided to use AlpineJS too instead of just livewire is because of the animation.

If i'm just using Livewire, I wont be able to animate the "appearance" of a bridge. So instead, I'm thinking of using Alpine to bring out the bridge but use Livewire to manage the data.

This concept is personally confusing for me. But let's see how far can I go as I start developing on this app.
Andy Hartnett

I love the idea of using the TALL stack. I think there is opportunity for learning as well as teaching here. As you build cool stuff for this app you can share it with the community.

Jason T Author

Hey Andy! haha sure! I'll be happy to share my learning as I start coding for the app :)


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