Upgraded to Vue 3 in

Turns out it is a _lot_ of work to upgrade a large Vue 2 project to Vue 3, let alone a project designed to be used as a base for any other projects, but after a lot of work finding new libraries, converting to those libraries, or even just writing my own alternative libraries, I've been able to upgrade the version of Vue to 3 in Nodewood, and release Nodewood version 0.18.0: https://nodewood.com/blog/nodewood-0-18-0-now-with-vue-3/

Even better, this has helped clarify what tasks are remaining before I can bring Nodewood to version 1.0, and I've been able to put together a roadmap to help users better understand what's planned: https://nodewood.com/docs/roadmap/

In other news, boy howdy the new MacBook Pros are fast. I feel like I've finally got my mojo back, now that I'm not fighting an old Intel chip just to run a couple Docker containers!