Launched Moi Doktori (Мои Доктори) together with @ljupcho. Finding an open slot for a doctor in Macedonia is VERY difficult. Most of the time it's fully booked in just a matter of minutes. This app lets you pick your doctor and enter your email. Once an open slot is open it send you an email within 5 minutes. The scraper is made in Python and has been optimized to support an insane amount of users at the same time (easily 100,000+) every 5 minutes

Tomas Woksepp Author

As this product is very specific for Macedonia, we are not going to post this on Product Hunt. It was made as a "24 hour startup", but spread over 3 days x 8 hours as we still like sleeping and taking our sweet time. We even took a hike up a mountain to clear our heads 😊

Excited to see how this one will turn out. I have high hopes already as we just passed 50 users signed up before even talking about it much / starting the paid marketing.

This app can literally save lives 😎


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