Taylor Facen

The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

Worked on the landing page for

I decided to build out my landing page using Webflow. Hopefully I can get it finished tomorrow so that I can “launch” on Monday.

Redesign plan page

I made some changes, but I'm still not in love with it yet. Oh well, let's see if I get some inspiration over the next few days.

BTW - My app uses the envelope method, so any unallocated cash from the first sync or from previous months gets rolled over to the next month

I renamed my project from WealthZen to

Last night, I had a nice discussion with someone else in the community about why my original logo which used the Yin and Yang symbol would be offensive. I'm glad we were able to have a productive and positive conversation about it and figured it would be best to change up my logo and name. Now presenting, OmniMoney.

Finished up the Logo!

Question for anyone reading this. What's the first thing you think of when you see this logo?

It communicates putting money in your hands. One thing I might suggest is going for an agnostic monetary symbol rather than the "dollar". The reason is because in using a specific symbol, you passively communicate a potential restriction of using yourselves over someone else.

Taylor Facen Author

That's a good point! Thanks Nathaniel.


Launch Student OS

Student OS is now live. It's my first no-code launch! -> https://sneak-peek.io/product/student-os

Launch Student OS

Student OS is now live. It's my first no-code launch! -> https://sneak-peek.io/product/student-os