Thibault Milan
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
Practice some digital drawing
Verifying website on youtube for traffic redirection
Youtube channel hitting 100 subscribers. Opening more settings to me
Call travel agency to get flight refund because of covid-19
Photo realistic mockup for client project
Sent a newsletter ⚠️ COVID19 : WOOF SIN CITY CANCELLED 👉
Secure formating old hard drive before selling them
Asking the hotel to get reimbursed for covid-19
Cancelled my last flight segment because of covid-19
Write a second usecase for my portfolio update
create individual marketing item for headliners
Connect Mailchimp with Makerlog
Sent a newsletter Next Woof Party: Sin City on March 14th 👉
Create Blog “2020-03-08-woof-sin-city”
communication schedule automation for this week
sent out the partner’s invite for the next party
Create Blog “2020-01-31-new-year-new-you”
Create Blog “2020-01-12-des-stats-respectueuses-des-lecteurs”
Merge branch 'release/10.2'
* release/10.2:
Implement Atom Feed
Update Blog “2020-01-07-en-route-pour-la-double-nationalité”
Create Blog “2020-01-07-en-route-pour-la-double-nationalité”