Thumbs Up News
Using Machine Learning to filter through RSS news feeds and returning only positive articles
Add animation for the list of categories when user clicks categories button
Add categories to the mobile menu
Figure out how to add nested queries for the DB
Further refactor to keep duplicated code down to a minimum
Filter categories and sort them alphabetically
Refactor code to be reused on different pages for each category
Fix issue with tailwind not being imported and breaking after run `npm run build`
Initial work on README file for
Refactor/cleanup dockerfile commands
Finally figure out how to make docker-compose work with postgres and django!
Finally figure out what the heck was wrong with the dockerfile :D
Read about setting up a new ubuntu setup on DO
Spend a bit too much time trying to figure out how to set up docker and django and why things didn't work out
Add hover effect for cards
Generate random colors per card base and not 24 repeated css rules
Use airtable to keep track of emails and then use sendgrid to send emails
Add convertkit support for newsletter
Handle logic to get form details to the backend
Add contact form to contact page
Remove location from sidebar since it doesn't apply anymore
Add contact dashboard to admin
Order headlines by latest on admin panel
Add api backend to handle form submissions from the frontend
Fix bug with title and sentiment classifier on skynews scrapper