Tiago Ameller
Ruby on Rails and Delphi developer
Pushed 1 change to mmenu.es
new release to production +01082
Pushed 25 changes to pounou
Pushed 2 changes to mmenu.es
created 2 new customers; lot of legal info collected
Pushed 24 changes to sisfirma
been grateful to Sergio and the great people of Makerlog for their feedback
Pushed 1 change to mmenu.es
visit 3 customers for season starting
PGC: remove add/modify button (see pic)
BSS: per cada escaló acumula un bot, els faré una mica més petits
sc7778: Si consolidaciones activas no son utilizables (sin nombre), no debe
fix mess in accounting database made by final user
Pushed 1 change to mmenu.es
Pushed 5 changes to mmenu.es
Pushed 1 change to piscinario
Pushed 2 changes to mmenu.es
first contact with customer. second life?
Pushed 2 changes to pounou