Rong Liew

Founder @ Showwcase

If anyone faced bugs on Showwcase yesterday, we're fixing it today and apologise for it! Ready for another round of feedback.

Network for coders to connect and share knowledge

Hey Makerlog community!

I'm Rong, and have been working on Showwcase for just over 6 months now. Showwcase lets coders connect, share knowledge, and find new opportunities in the tech community. Our initial frustration was using platforms where "connections" are meaningless, messages become spam, and community becomes top-down, instead of bottom-up. We believe it has deteriorated the user experience, and diluted the value of our networks. We recently publicly shared Showwcase with features we think can get around these issues.

Some of the features we're proud of:
- WorkedWith connections
- Creating Shows with specialised components
- Sharing code with Threads
- Customisable profiles
- Status sharing

Recently found out about MakerLog and hoped we can grow with the community here.

We're still in the early stages and have a long way to go, we welcome all kinds of feedback and hope the platform brings any tech/coders/devs value. I'll be logging more of our progress here, excited to engage!
Rong Liew Author

Oh, and you can learn more about it here for those interested!

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