Timemator for iOS
Easy-to-use & powerful time tracker for iOS
Refactoring session for the modal timer view
Design first version of Settings screen
Merge all the feature branches of the sprint into develop (xcode-project-file merging fun 🙈)
Refactor outline view in the task-folder selector
Add updating duration row to the session editor
Add billing status row to the session editor
Task list: hide plus navigation item for recent
Task list: store selected content mode in UserDefaults
Show archived icon in the task and folder cell
"Unarchive" swipe action in the archive
Add folder name in Task Cells for Recent
Create a task icon for the task selection screen
Implement SegmentedControl that looks like large-styled navigation title
Add billing section to the task and folder editor
Create initial session editor
Add revenue value to the session list header and sections
Session table header view with task name and total task duration
Total duration for each session section
Delete sessions with swipe
Initial session list grouped by day
Color-picker for tasks and folders