
Twitter done for you... including daily Tweets and follower management

Tweet for

I shared a tweet about one of our beta testers:

RISE Design Studio who are an architecture studio in London. We have been managing their Twitter account for a few months now and grown their audience from approx. 1000 to 1660 and counting.

Check out their feed:

Tweet for

Until I have some landing pages and content to link to I'll be doing this manually.
Check us out at - we followback!

Work on initial design for homepage

Top menu, tagline and content text design completed

Streamline the set up process for new accounts

twitMate isn't full SaaS. It's part service part SaaS and there is a bit of work for me to do to set up new users:

- setting up a Twitter App and Dev Account for the user
- choosing hashtags
- writing Tweets

Today I went through most of this for the twitMate Twitter account, tried to streamline it and made a cheetsheet.

Hopefully this will mean it is quicker to do in the future.

Choose final logo for

After asking for feedback on 3 logos [here](, on IndieHackers and ProductHunt I finally decided on Option 1.

It was pretty close between Options 1 and 2 but the overall consensus was that Option 1 was more readable. Here it is in both dark and light:

Ask for feedback on logo

See it here:

logo design for

I have narrowed this down to a few different versions but am struggling to choose!

Tweet engine completed for demo here:

I finally got a little while to work on twitMate today - a draconian lockdown here in Scotland for months means my kids are missing school and I get less than an hour a day for work. That's been filled with client work until today.

Happy to say that I made great progress in the short time available and finished off the Tweet Engine of twitMate.

I'm running a demo on the Big Toe Web Design twitter page - you can see the tweets that get posted via twitMate daily at