UVIndex.SG ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฌ

Quick updates at a glance on UV Index readings for sunny Singapore.

Updated personal website, added new projects to it, as sort of a portfolio now - https://jasonleow.com/ #indiejourney #psisg #uvindexsg #listskit

Spent hours trying to fix domain issues with Vodien which randomly took down my uvindex.sg domain. Domain now all fixed but waiting for DNS records to propagate... #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Scheduled weekly newsletter to publish on Saturday later today - https://jasonleow.substack.com/p/in-my-element #indiejourney #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Added UVIndex.SG (https://uvindex.sg) to the Commit365 directory (https://listskit.com/commit365) #listskit #commit365

Fixed Flat Data cron job, added flat data source as 2nd source to check against to see which one shows a more recent reading #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Messing around with cors proxies all day to get data from a gov public endpoint that's blocked by cors/csp. Tried Github's Flat Data too (that uses GH Actions). Didn't manage to solve it. Might try Cloudflare Workers using cloudflare-cors-anywhere instead. #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Added v-cloak to prevent flash of white screen + variable, added SG flag to show it's a local app, fixed bug where refresh didnt refresh bg color #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Added emoji to main metric for better UX, added pulse icon to hint at clickability. Fixed bugs from feedback #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Added emoji icons, progress bar to make it clearer what the number and label means #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Day 1184 - Launched: UVIndex.SG - https://golifelog.com/posts/launched-uxindexsg-1711680050066 #lifelog #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Launched a new tech for good project, in a day! With the extreme sun in Singapore recently, made UVIndex.SG (https://uvindex.sg) web app for locals to better live with the uv conditions #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Set up uvindex.sg domain and v1 web app on Cloudflare #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Bought new domain uvindex.sg for S$64.50 #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

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