UX Tools
Teaching user experience design
1 Pomodoro: YNAB, news, book summary, online reading, newsletter emails, goal reading
1 Pomodoro: Social tasks, comment, like comments, DM people
1 Pomodoro: YNAB, news, book summary, online reading, newsletter emails, goal reading
Reschedule the Instagram live
1 Pomodoro: Social tasks, comment, like comments, DM people
1 Pomodoro: YNAB, news, book summary, online reading, newsletter emails, goal reading
1 Pomodoro: Social tasks, comment, like comments, DM people
1 Pomodoro: YNAB, news, book summary, online reading, newsletter emails
1 Pomodoro: Social tasks, comment, like comments, DM people
1 Pomodoro: YNAB, news, book summary, online reading, social tasks, email
Talk to Taylor about Tori doing videos and the content plan
Process all of Tori’s Instagram DM’s
Decide on a stop motion video topic for Tori to start working on
Assimilate my person notes in Notion
Assimilate things in [growth doc](https://www.notion.so/teamuxtools/Growth-7bbb8247f15c4d8697a05e78fdb2eed4
Make bottom of post newsletter form stand out more (that’s where most of the traffic goes)
Nice about page with my philosophy and a little about me
Brainstorm all the pieces of UX design (to see if there are other subject matters I can address in my content) https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_leOLZBg=/
Read Vassallo’s article: https://app.sparkmailapp.com/web-share/QBVQmQygASAuFh2K0rUYMLj0dFdeZTtu29216Ebz
[Review these sites](https://stephaniewalter.design/blog/80-ux-blogs-with-rss-feed-to-follow/)