
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

make autocomplete filter pages change filter state instead of going to page url too

make autocomplete click item filter immediately by using the filter page state instead of redirecting to the /country page

fix country flag missing Belgium https://twitter.com/philipithomas/status/1030516021415825410

post WIP Madrid meetup pictues to Twitter and Instagram https://twitter.com/wipchat/status/1030436081219432448 https://www.instagram.com/p/BmlJh8dj3bX/?taken-by=wipchat

Learn enough KeyShot to produce my first photorealistic product render

Research about product 3D rendering and get into KeyShot (install, set up, etc)

get gender ratio from UN population data male/female and calculate it myself

add price elasticity curves to remoteok.io/open https://twitter.com/levelsio/status/1030113724554665984

add logarithmic exponential regression function that tries to fit slope of prices and sales