The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
Set up a VPS from scratch, configure Apache, MySQL and ssh securely for production and completely migrate ALL my websites there because Gon is kicking me out of his VPS
submit passport to Stripe to unlock payments
fix bug where old city data would keep getting re-used forever due to importing city cache in db importer cities
pass test 4, go to /hot-cities, click warm, see if slug changes properly
clear filters after user clicks map from city modal
add sivers to inspiration
fix who’s signed up always same
add back country name on mobile
refund @anywherness friend account
fix 0 on most members places
make new generator for filter page descriptions
make select dropdown filters also show up in active filters line up above cities
fix missing OPEN FILTER button new user mobile
hide loading spinner on drag, show again after drag ends and new data should be AJAX'ed
refund 2 payments for user who paid 3 times
tell journalist i only do text
enable back end mod suspend user
send msg to suspended users when they write message chat
add silence user button to mod modal