
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".

make protoype residency 183 days rule tax info table for user profile

pass test case 2: go to /afrca, filter hot, slug should be /hot-cities-in-africa, scroll down should load more cities

pass test case 1: go to /italy, filter hot, slug should be /hot-cities-in-italy, scroll down should load more cities

fix https://nomadlist.com/best-cities-to-live-in-africa no cities in africa

reroute old manual collections pages to new automated dynamically generated filter pages

make city items hover on touch on mobile while dragging, instead of previous unintuitive tap to hover then tap to open

add localStorage to tips, so if user posts tip it always shows even if city cache page isn't updated yet

fix filtering on filter page doesn't change slug https://nomadlist.com/cheap-cities-without-mosquitos

fix set start date of trip editor to client date not server date https://twitter.com/tomaswoksepp/status/1021084477290770432