The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
get macbook back from apple store
Come up + tinker + plan yet another idea for content
eat mcdonalds cuz enough w this asian stuff
get best Netherlands friend @timomolenhuis to work for toptal and become remote 5 years after i start w remote work/nomad
create new stripe account
drink beer w friends @stevelacey @kristof
have michelin star noodle singapore w/ @stevelacey @kristof
experiment with different logo concepts (startup jobs)
meet friends for latte and explore Singapore @stevelacey @kristof
get bank account accepted
write redirect logic for domain switch
Write down first UVP outline
visit Buddha Tooth Relic Temple w/ @xiufensilver and make photo
eat Thai food to celebrate @pugson’s existence
temporarily disallow all user agents
add startup.jobs to google console
create google analytics profile