Stephane Mensah
The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little "extra".
commands(add disable_web_page_preview to /start)
refactor(start working on Afotey's feedback from last night)
i18n( fix
i18n(add @ in front of username)
i18n(add pointing up emojie at donate.done)
i18n(update faq , tos, and privacy)
cmd(admin: only process successful donations)
express(refactor middleware)
webhooks(remove paystack webhook and integrate it sepeate express app)
logs(proper logs for notifications)
cmd(mass changes on commands)
conf(config: add extra admin ids)
refactor(another major codebase refactoring)
logs(adjust errors and info logs)
app(move app.use(expressHandlers); to the top)
logs(proper logs for notifications)
pkg(install @grammyjs/stateless-question)
action(fix parse issue for cbQuery: generate_link)
notification(notify group about new sign ups)
action(update callbackQuery.settings)
i18n(change text for start.again)