Walace Silva
I love the flavor of the freedom
Pushed 5 changes to Backend Rails
Pushed 1 change to Backend Rails
[seo] sitelink search box added on the home page
Pushed 3 changes to Backend Rails
Pushed 7 changes to Backend Rails
Pushed 1 change to Backend Rails
[adjustments] packages and payments page
[improvements] congrats page added on payment process
[bugfix] address and phone number on product page
[improvements] feature to sending email when user says the product was sold
[improvements] route to postback on pagar.mer
[improvements] postback url sending to pagar.me on checkout
[improvements] highlights free package
[adjustments] product variations tables removed
[improvements] product attributes and variants created
[modeling database] product attributes and product variants
[improvements] App version was added into scripts url to invalidate cache browser
[bugifx] publishing freely product
[bugfix] formatted discount price in list product page
[adjustments] email templates adjusted
[bugfix] birth date in payment page
[bugfix] input date fixed in payment page
[bugfix] product stock status fixed on product updating