Make a seek component for players.
return json as response from /token.
create range slider for spotify player.
start working on spotify design.
clean up spotify authorization process.
change in plans- not doing implicit flow. Got authorization code working. Lesson learned - Never use axios for backend.
do implicit oauth with spotify.
Got authorize url working.
Start writing oauth library for electron because existing solutions are just irritating.
setup netlify.
Fixed: unregister keyup when new task closed.
Fix stats update on new task.
Start working on spotify oauth.
Make netlify account.
start working on spotify section.
Maker of the day! Woooo Ahooo
New notification system to show messages.
testing force update of stats.
Update task status directly from feed.
Testing refresh on new task post.
Making remaining as default status.
First time posting task from
display selected image - new task.
design new task layout.
Himanshu Mishra
Yeah! I just wanted things that I use at one place. It's just annoying to open 100 tabs in browser or different desktop applications.