zuQA API Testing Kit

no-code + end-to-end API testing

Prepared a short demo video for to share with its early adopters and testers

Bug fixes, New bugs, more feedbacks

- bug fixes from Mac release are fixed
- new bugs reported from sentry.io are to be fixed today (asking for a major restructure of code)
- planning to push new release tonight
- Received praise from CTO of https://mydukaan.io/ for #zuqa :)

Took feedback for alpha release from a friend

- Feeling pumped by friend's positive feedback on #zuqa
- Found new bugs on Mac release, Vishal (co-founder) will squash them tonight
#ChallengeAccepted We have promised all our early adopters of #zuqa and testers to fix all their issues within 24 hrs

Setting up a Linux system to test

- Dusted-off a really old gaming PC, assembled all its components, and dual booted it with Ubuntu 20.04
- To start bugs hunt now

P.S. Also found Witcher 3 Wild Hunt in my PC :) .. guess I'll be gaming tonight.

Day 3: learnt gatsby, learnt business stuff, started website dev

- learnt gatsby from their official docs, good enough to get me started in building a simple SPA for https://zuqa.io
- followed this great series of articles on Product-Market-Fit https://brianbalfour.com/essays/product-market-fit-isnt-enough

Day 2: Setup Indiehackers account and website works for

- Setting up account on IndieHackers https://www.indiehackers.com/product/zuqa
- Updated IndieHackers zuqa product with development story timeline
- Purchased a template for zuqa.io website
- Started preparing information architecture for website

Day 1: init(); Setup Maker Log for - no-code end-to-end API testing toolkit. Currently with alpha release launched for internal testing.