
95% humor 6% math

connecting it all together => react router dom + react + material UI

tested to see how chrome version 100 will break yahoo.com

i also did this with burp got the same result.
have i done this correctly? what do you think?
see this video i made: https://imgur.com/a/suwQvFl

read a blog about blogging


fixed: vscode autocomplete was slow

delete most of the unused vscode extensions

Writing ✍

I should get in to the habit of writing
Jason Leow

Wow nice. 1h every day is quite the commitment. I spend the same time roughly too. Where do u write btw? Your blog?

Jason Leow

yeah i cross posted everywhere too initially - dev.to, hashnode, codenewbies, linkedin, quora etc . then figured out which ones worked best for my goals and purposes. I spend abt 1h per day, sometimes less. whats your blog/devto url btw? would be interested to check it out!


learned how to make git submodule

I want all of the toy react project to be listed on one git repo

read "why do we need a react list key"

amazing blog by Robin Wieruch

learning react && building stuff with it

- learned how to pass data with props from child comp to parent and also from parent to child
- saw how app render whenever state changes (via react chrome extension)
- if you want to remove input after it's submitted you have to add value attribute to input tag
- if one state depends on another state (like useState({date: "", username:""}) ), for updating the state use call back
- if you want to write something between the custom component, you have to use "props.children"

changed getmakerlog wallpaper

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