
95% humor 6% math

set up twitch panel and wrote description

wrote description for "About", "rules"

make twitch panel

give me your honest opinion (i am bad at design, i made this in after effect).
what does not look good?

finish "about me" panel for twitch

I don't if i should write short and sweet or should i be vulnerable to the face of the internet?
write now i have written around 700 word and i don't know if that's a good idea to put in twitch or not?

learning git

- git tags
- git hash and object

Also, I found that link useful too…👍🏻


Git hash object is new to me, when all should one use it?


learning git tags, git hashing and objects

if i get the time i also would learn about the git reflog.

set up the alerts, chat overlay, and some twitch settings

- i used streamelements for alerts
- i used streamParrots for chat overlay

set up OBS for going live on twitch

i am really inspired by @roxkstar74. so i did watch his youtube video about how to start live coding on twitch.
tomorrow i will go live

learning git

- learning about git tags
- and learning about git hashing and objects

building toy project with react

i should review react (it's been 14 month that i didn't touch react LOL)

learning git (4H24M)

i learned about open source workflow (fork and clone)
learned about how git rebase works. (it's really cool)