100 Ways To

Make Money Online

πŸ— remove all FontAwesome files, replace with selected IcoMoon font icons

πŸ’° Day 3 of building in public ( see filters in action: https://twitter.com/i/status/1301016512698789888 )

- Managed to get the filters working!

Everything is kind of raw and ugly right now, but just wanted to get the basics functioning first.

Next, I need to figure out how to make a post belong to 2 categories? e.g. '⚑️ Fast' + 'πŸ›‹ Idling'

πŸ’° Day 2 of building/learning in public

- Drafted blog post page structure.

Managed to fit all the filters into one viewport (is that the correct word?) at the left sidebar!

Currently they're just stubs... just wanted to see if I could transfer the idea from 🧠 to πŸ–₯ with some flexbox-ing πŸ˜€

πŸ’° Day 1.5.1 of building in public

Bottom part of landing page. Should've made a video or gif but nvm too late now πŸ™„

πŸ’° Day 1.5 of building in public

- Landing page structure more or less done, applied some of the CSS & Layout tutorial lessons that I completed recently.

What's the stack? Just Jekyll. No framework. I'm intentionally coding the CSS by hand for now just to see how things are put together. Practise, practise, practise!

πŸ’° Day 1 of building in public

- Basic landing page scaffolding done.

From the tabs you can see I'm looking to Marketing Examples and Hacker Noon for layout inspiration.

Not too sure about the BMC widget at this point, it's a bit annoying.

πŸ— add and style newsletter signup form

- not happy with how it looks. try again tomorrow

πŸ— Update favicon and apple touch icon, plus other minor edits to index, sidebar, and styling

πŸ— Solved the DRY issue with Jekyll Collections components using _data file

πŸ— remove Categories, add Collections instead, and add styling to post.html