30 Wears
Can you wear your clothes 30 times?
fix visual glitches on EditGarment screen
message when someone tries to add a retired garment + remove it from select list
fix issue where form would pre-fill from last edited data
re-deploy API after fixing a small bug that caused timeouts
find graphic designer to help out with some new icons
roll back API and post message about bug
editable version of garment card
bit of a re-design for garment info
remove admins from daily statistics report telegram msg
turn CreateGarment screen into a modal and re-use it for editing as well
create OverlayNav component with inverted colour mode built in in case of avatar
figure out why dev server was messed up – ngrok is blocked at this coworking space 😭
progress bar as part of the item
decide on a garment list item design
dive into numbers of people's number of each garment type + how many times they reported wearing it to see what can be cut
compile a list of learnings on app store submissions to tweet out
build ProgressBar component, reusable on GarmentCard and in list
set usesNonExemptEncryption to false in app.json to avoid nag screens
update subdomain apple.30wears.app to go to store listing
re-submit with expanded permission text
push over the wire update to android to see if it even works 🤭