30 Wears
Can you wear your clothes 30 times?
set unmountInactiveRoutes to true to avoid params from carrying over on navigation
roll out new binary to play store
re-submit new binary to ios store with over-the-wire updates
upload newest horde of ios screenshots
message Digitalocean about connectivity problems on CDN edge
design an early mock of the garment info card
implement over-the-wire update scheme to avoid app store review uncertainty
delay push notifications prompt to after first daily
make sure wardrobe screen shows wear counts
figure out why newly taken photo doesnt show up in preview box in CreateGarment
switch to drawer-style navigation
push a new build to testflight
post twitter thread on tech choices twitter.com/mtimofiiv/status/1178818408516685825
fix intent issue with CreateGarment screen
remove references to play or ios store from test accounts to make them generic
fix height issue on scrollview for very short resolutions (like @TinaRogers phone – what is this, a phone for ants????)
upgrade to SDK 35 of expo
implement more advanced caching in-app for images and fonts
ask for both camera roll and camera to take a photo on ios, since for some reason both are required for just the camera
use Clint's iphone to debug ios crash on photo persmissions
finalise the ios app submission and send off for review
fill out app store submission except screenshots
take app out of beta for Android, publish it!!! 🔥🚀🌛