:card_file_box: :recycle: added a new ChartDataset model to replace the relation between Charts and Datasets moved all dataset api routes to the team-level refactored the dataset actions and reducers to RTK slice

:recycle: refactored team actions and reducers to RTK slice syntax

:construction: migrated the last routes and removed all traces of old react-router apis

:construction: migrated all routes and containers to react router v6 fixed RTK issues with mutation

:construction: refactored routing for user and team settings pages

:construction: added basic implementation for team-based connections

:construction: fixed the roles migration and replaced all traces of old roles in both UI and backend

:passport_control: added a migration script to switch all roles to v3 ones

:construction: added back the project-connection association temporarily for backwards compatibility

:construction: added a new skeleton section for connections and datasets on the user dashboard

:lipstick: changed the projects table to show the members that have access to the projects