Alex Hayworth
I like to figure things out.
Play/tinker with @poehah 's table2site 👏
worked on spreadsheet that I might turn into a lil' site(?)
Made dirty clean model in BIAS
Made a lead sound in BIAS
Started writing some fitness content, just to learn, maybe to post(?)
Just RECOVERED weeks of work. Airtable support is f*cking great. *Huge sigh of relief*
Just deleted weeks of work and it can't be recovered, unless Airtable support emails me back with a miracle. So that's cool.
one chrome profile bookmark free, 5 to go. feelsgoodman
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gym , snatch grip deadlifts = ded
Started working on something good for all the Makers 😏🤫✨
Finished transferring all voice memos into LogicPro. 1,008 voice memos, each put into individual Logic files and labelled manually. DONE. 🎉
cut time spent on twitter down drastically in the past few days and it's already helped
went through music vids from past 6 months, deleted garbage (mostly garbage)
recorded cover/not sure i'm gonna use it
replaced Photos library/imported 1,500 new photos
sort remaining voice memos on hd, then transfer rest from phone
Ate cookies for breakfast...but I had tea too, so, acceptable (?)
consolidated book pieces/notes into one Scrivener file
make expenses table in notion
test bookmark html export