Server Management, designed specially for Django.

fixed server creation problem that appeared due to image_id selection was hardcoded

From server list, when clicking on a server that was deleted in digital ocean, instead of exception and error I want server information being updated and server.status be set to ‘deleted’

wrote an algorithm and part of the code to deploy run software on remote servers via SSH and dynamic SSH keys

finally was able to create a Digital Ocean droplet from interface

planned feature of storing and using SSH keys for customers' servers

Implemented “connect to digital ocean” functionality

how's appliku going?

Kostja P Author

sloooowly. got back to it after a huge period of being busy with dayjob and family. but it gave me some time to think some stuff thru. I have simplified a lot of things. and it started moving. so there was a pause. yes. But it was very much needed. And what is very important - i still want to do this app:)


Played around with a python wrapper for digital ocean API: success

Got back to the project. Working on password recovery feature

Attempted to update to angular 8, but failed due to a line that is not yet compatible

Started complete refactoring of which is responsibel for managing customers' servers and apps. Started from writing documentation and CLI api

Still doing outreach to newsletter moderators for sponsorship