Server Management, designed specially for Django.

Added scrappy version of volumes for case when Django app uses local media directory

Rewriting deploy scripts update functionality from bash into python scripts method

Rewrote deploy CLI python script to using subparsers of argparse and getting ready to share script with public so that people can deploy apps manually on their servers

Kostja P Author

Why this is important: people will be able to choose if they want to use appliku or have a simple CLI to do it manually. Ofc CLI is not that convenient, but will help those who can't afford even a hobby plan of


Little fixes to script that manages apps on customers servers

Finished a script/function that generates docker-compose.yml from Procfile

Fixed docker-compose postgresql volumes to be persistent across builds of the app itself

Added gitlab-ci.yml that runs build/update on deployment server

fixed sign up bug, where user didn't get authenticated after sign up

It FKING WORKS! (finally fixed tones of bugs and finished deployment of the )

Fixed bugs related to static files not being served by Django

Wrote bash + docker* scripts/files to build and run appliku app itself