Arne Hendriksen

Designer, developer & maker.

Add 'SEO Analyzer' to

Use a new photo for my professional social avatars (linkedin, etc.)

Add 'Mozilla Observatory' to

Add 'Pingdom Tools' to

Add 'SEO Site Checkup' to

Add Geek Flare tools to

When logged in, still be able to use keyboard shortcuts when on 'guest' pages (like home, faq, etc.)

Write a script that generates a bookmarks feed, based on items saved for reference and having a URL

Decide how Evernote notebooks and notes can be used/assigned in Megaproductive

Write code to connect an Evernote account to a Megaproductive account

Create a helper + migration for global application settings and data (much like WordPress' wp_options)

Moved more (self built) in-app composer packages to their own respective github repositories

Moved several (self built) in-app composer packages to their own respective github repositories