Arne Hendriksen
Designer, developer & maker.
Test security improvements on staging server
Exclude modals from being indexed
Embed the "ultimate goal for Megaproductive" tweet in about page
Tweaked a couple of cache settings
Update Facebook profile with new branding
Update Twitter profile with new branding
Make it easier to sign out and create a personal account while logged in as live demo user
Add extra indexes to often queried columns
Finish notifications wherever necessary
Feature: Export smartlist to CSV
Add mutators/filters from smartlist query when adding a new item
Remove 'last_accessed_at' field and functionality from smartlists
Divide search filters list into sections
Write a maintenance script to permanently delete soft-deleted rows after x hours
Updated the Integrations page
Extend the number of Makerlog webhooks you can add
Made some improvements to the Excel export function
Decided which features to keep and which features to add for Chiefly 2
Remove no longer used 'hotkeys' table
Remove no longer used 'cache' table