
Remember everything about your friends, family and colleagues using Hippo

Submitted to Gadgethack, 10words, AppRater, Startupinspire, EU startups

was rejected because there were no terms of service in the App Store description.. Added and resubmitted for review

Fixed some UI tests that fail because they run faster with 24GB of ram, so elements are not yet rendered when asserted 😳 ⚡️

Added new behavior when dismissing a new event/contact modal dialog to confirm save or delete

Switched to default nav/tab bar backgroundcolor because they look badass in dark mode

Fixed a bug where the highlight of an imported contact would not work

Fix iOS13 bug where Contacts tab would open on an empty detail view + submitted bug to Apple

won the battle with the UITableView, I had to insert a teeny tiny header view to get rid of the spacing 😬

Fighting with UITableView on iOS13, sometimes it has extra top margin