Julian Barbarino πŸ‡΅πŸ‡·

Artist| Industrial Designer| Entrepeneur| Writer

Banner making

I am trying to make a banner on the Paraffin site for the weekly call for art feature. A call for submissions that will never close.

Update Mariana's Artist page

Mariana has some videos of her work and I embedded them on the website

Work on home page

I had a static page until the articles began publishing. When the switch happened instead of showing the lates 2 posts it just showed the last one. So until I figure this one out it'll stay static but with embeded links. Wordpress's option for "latest posts" block was a little dissapointing, it just creates of list of links... we'll see how this goes

Finish 20 out of 25 pages of translation

Julian Barbarino πŸ‡΅πŸ‡· Author

Trying, the sentence structures used when speaking through me off at the beginning but it's coming along well

Carl Poppa πŸ›Έ

damn, you're a beast!


Finish Mariana's interview transcript

It wasn't easy transcribing a 1+ hour interview... this will be our longest, the rest will be much shorter