Julian Barbarino πŸ‡΅πŸ‡·

Artist| Industrial Designer| Entrepeneur| Writer


I've been taking it easy, no race, just learning a couple lessons a day.

Navigate website platform

I'm so confused, Omnis is a very hard to navigate platform. I still don't understand how the website is made through WP and yet it's not and I can't find a way to edit it... yet anyways

Paywall research

I was trying to implement a soft paywall, get a limited amount of posts for free and then pay, but it seems that wordpress only gives me the option to segregate the free ones from the premium ones. Making some stuff not accessible if they don't pay. If anyone knows anything about this hit me up!

Test supplies

I got some acrylic paint pens, I'm testing these out on canvas for.some stuff I used to.make in college and never really fully explored