Sumit Datta

Veteran failure, Engineer, Founder of

(chore) Migrations for tables; (task) WIP RabbitMQ based worker to refresh tables (chore) WIP Background workers setup

(chore) Fixes in API to adapt to SQLite based settings from TOML file settings

(task) New models in backend for users, data sources, etc. (chore) Removed old files (task) Added sqlalchemy-migrate and initial migration

(task) Ongoing changes for Admin section - updated QueryLoad to work with dwata_meta, stubs for Admin inner sections

(task) WIP Authentication with Google (chore) screens/components structure in React app

(task) WIP Account, Login screens (task) WIP Zustand based global store

Sumit Datta Author

I wanna write about my use of Zustand now that I have covered a good deal of application with it


(task) Added a discount stay list in homepage (task) Description, features, location and reviews sections in Stay detail