Cesar Mejia

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Update 20190513194346_pocket.js dropping "integrations" table, so table "pocket" can drop successfully

Create .env.example REACT_APP_LEARN_LOCKER_API_URL is a required value

update to cloudinary package imports importing cloudinary v2 importing single export "CloudinaryStorage" from multer-storage-cloudinary module

Update package.json scripts adjusted scripts to preload dotenv-safe now there is no need to require/import "dotenv " into the app

removed google-translate package logic eliminate entire `/macrame` endpoint

Update passport.js removed passport's Local Strategy that has never been used.

environmental vars update renamed some & removed all that required dotenv lib

replacing hard-coded primary domain url changed all the url's ending with ".dev" to ".app"

Merge branch 'development' of https://github.com/learneda/locker.dev-FE into development