
Stop being a stranger to your data. Connect your database to Chartbrew and visualize your data in a few simple steps.

:construction: updated the project navigation to reflect the new design

:construction: UX improvements for the chart datasets component

:construction: updated the dataset permissions for project admins and viewers

:construction: switched the chart route to the new permissions

:construction: completed the permissions check for the project route

:construction: getting the projects in the member invite form

:construction: started full API migration to the new roles and permissions checks

:construction: fixed the functionality and design of the team settings components

:construction: multiple fixes to the dataset builder added ghost project creation when users sign up

:construction: fixed dataset state when assigning dr responses

:construction: added welcome prompt and fixed the team settings page

:construction: added a redirect to the connections page when the account is new

:construction: fixed the signup and state changes on routing to the user dashboard

:construction: can remove connections and unused data requests

:construction: hooked all connection forms to the add function in the wizard