Code The Web

Web development explained for normal people

Replaced absolute positioning in Code The Web Weekly with invisible shadow content 'inside' each image that makes it the height of the content next to it

Switched from object-fit to background images for Code The Web Weekly (better support)

Tweeted about new article

New article released! And the scheduling system worked! 🎉

Here's what the last sent version of my newsletter would have looked like if it was auto-generated with my script + new design

Ethan Author

For reference, here's the old version with the same data:


Filled in all the info from issue 7 (the last issue I sent) to see how it would look in the new auto-generated newsletter format

Added dynamic date, issue number, start text and end text to newsletter template

Created a function to format the date and issue number nicely using the data from Airtable

Set up issue metadata fields as issue_num, date, start_html & end_html

Made articles automatically end up in sections in the newsletter generator