Code The Web

Web development explained for normal people

Made nice console.logs which show the progress of the email generator

Got the email generator to convert the final HEML filled with data to HTML and write it to a file

Got email generator to fill the Liquid HEML template with Airtable data

Removed β€œThis blog is proudly ad-free and popup-free” lol :P

Got accepted into the PluralSight affiliate program!! I'll use it to test click rates for future sponsorships and hopefully make a few $ in the process ($5 per free trial sign-up)

Uploaded stream to YouTube, you can watch here if you missed it πŸ‘‰

New course pages are live!!! πŸ˜βœ¨πŸ“šπŸ‘‰

Submitted impersonation request for, let's get this nice handle πŸ”₯