Darren Travel
Building in Public - AtomicRoutines.com
continue to rush month end work and work on songs.
rush completing work before month end and optimize domain names portfolio
work on landing pages and new songs
follow up with weekly schedule and meetings
catch up with weekend podcasts and courses
wrap up the week and continue setting up Sedo landing pages
continue working on new songs
do some marketing and xi tie working on new songs
follow up with weekly schedule, meeting and work on video templates
prep for the week ahead and play around with new video tools
streamline portfolio and projects
trying out and testing out automation tools
try out new content projects
work on videos and find new tools
launch new album for the month!
take the day off and also plan for h2
celebrate new milestone for music albums
catch up with weekend podcasts and release new albums
work on post production for new songs
complete a mini content project
continue to experiment on new songs and try out new tools
continue working on new album
finalize new songs for new month