Decoding Coding

2019 till present bucket list - learning how to code. HMTL, CSS, JS, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, Ruby on Rails, JAMstack, Gatsby, Vue, Nuxt

Helped out a Carrd user with adding a responsive nav bar, and accordion dropdown faqs to his Carrd site. Learned about css flex today! Always a noob moment when

More research and planning on using Rails or JAMstack for blogging engine

Auth, payment, gated content: Researched on Netlify Identity, vs Memberstack/Memberspace for more no-code convenience

Discovered you can use env variables in Netlify! Researching and reading up about it. Slightly confused though - it kept saying the secret key will show up on the browser console how does that keep it secret??!!

Read up about json apis and best practices in format

🤪 F**K YEAAAHHH! Finally solved it after a day - JSON data not displaying after initial deployment on Heroku. Had to use `heroku pg:reset` and `heroku pg:push` from local dev db to heroku remote db. Hell I have a headache now 🤕 but at least I have a production Rails JSON API in return -

Learned to deploy my Rails API on Heroku but the json data is not showing up in production...why??? -

Implemented Netlify Build Plugins for one of my sites - love it. Hope the ecosystem grows!

Researched and played around with, trying to figure out how to default sort in descending order for datetimes... How difficult can this be for how simple a thing!

Made my first Rails page!

Jason Leow Author

thanks thanks

Fajar Siddiq

yeayyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well done


Plan for learning my way towards my first web app (via Ruby on Rails)

borrowed reference book “Rails Crash Course: A No-Nonsense Guide to Rails Development” because old school 😆

Practice project for mySQL - Made a web app “Secret Diary” in the process, with signup/login for people to post secrets.