Obi Hen Kenobi
feat: onQuiqqerOrderBasketToOrderBegin event quiqqer/erp-plans
refactor: everyone and guest group -> if not exists
refactor: everyone and guest group -> if not exists
refactor: fallback / workaround for non existing everyone group at setup
refactor: fallback / workaround for non existing everyone group at setup
refactor: fallback / workaround for non existing everyone group at setup
refactor: address saluation -> to user
refactor: fallback / workaround for non existing everyone group at setup
refactor: contact person after the name if the address is a company address
refactor: contact person after the name if the address is a company address
refactor: address saluation -> to user
fix: consider case where a UnitSelect field has an empty value
refactor: UnitSelect field type -> better default value
fix: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getElements' of null
fix: consider case where a UnitSelect field has an empty value
refactor: UnitSelect field type -> better default value
fix: quantity & quantity unit alignment in article list