Obi Hen Kenobi
refactor: customer -> create contact person address
refactor: fix: contact person button -> disabled and enabled status fixed
feat: contact person -> for customer
fix: locale brutto netto status -> swapped
refactor: extra menu -> design css
fix: if selfLangs are false, all projects and languages are allowed (by hen)
refactor: remove debug code
refactor: remove debug code
refactor: UserIcon control -> use setJavaScriptControl() instead of data-qui attribute
refactor: UserIcon control -> use setJavaScriptControl() instead of data-qui attribute
Merge branch 'dev' of into dev
fix: use clean ID when fetching invoice data for output
refactor: invoice -> contact person; fix: payment time for user needs to be an int
feat: Invoice contact person
fix: return hint errors fixed
refactor: used QUI\ERP\Customer\Utils::getInstance()->getPaymentTimeForUser for time for payment
fix: time for payment -> permission, customer data -> correct usage
fix: customer address wasn\'t visible at any possible state