Diego Castillo
Full Stack Software Developer
⚒️ Feat: migrate user to use RTK query
⚒️ Chore: Upgrade Expo SDK
⚒️ Feat: migrate routines to use RTK query
⚒️ Feat: migrate exercises to use RTK query
⚒️ Fix: Re-assign user token value to headers when user authentication state changes
⚒️ Fix: User cannot remove exercise from routine
🔥 Feat: allow user to re-order routine exercises as they wish
🔥 Feat: sort routines/exercises in alphabetical order
⚒️ Fix: Active record strip string type columns when saving to DB
🔥 Feat: expose CRUD actions for routine resource in API
🔥 Feat: create routine exercise model in API
🔥 Feat: create routine model in API
⚒️ Fix: Use SWR for fetching/mutating exercises
⚒️ Fix: Use modules instead of classes to encapsulate API client-side
⚒️ Fix: loading animations when singing-in/out or signing up
⚒️ Fix: Avoid app crash when an error happens while fetching current user
🔥 Feat: CRUD user exercises from Rails API
🔥 Feat: Store user token once app is initialized
🔥 Feat: fetch user from Rails API instead of Firebase
🔥 Feat: Configure and deploy Rails API
🔥 Feat: Add CRUD support for exercises in API
🔥 Feat: Authenticate users in API through Firebase token
🔥 Feat: Set-up Rails API with PostgreSQL
⚒️ Fix: make forms label/input spacing smaller
⚒️ Fix: remove category attribute from exercise model