Diego Castillo

Full Stack Software Developer

πŸ”₯ Feat: allow to change a routine exercise measurement (e.g., reps, time, or distance) in routine form

πŸ”₯ Feat: Add movement type to exercises (e.g., core/push/pull/hinge/etc)

βš’οΈ Fix: Routine form should only show alert if changes have been made

🧹 Chore: Always suggest to create routine/exercise at the bottom of list if query present

Publish "Create a Simple React Timer Component βŒ›" blog post https://dev.to/diegocasmo/create-a-simple-react-timer-component-jc2

Diego Castillo Author



πŸ”₯ Automatically create routines/exercises seed when account is created

βš’οΈ When search has no results, it should display a button with a hint to create a resource with that same name/query

βš’οΈ Close create/update modal form only once request is successful