Is #getmakerlog a community only for techies?

I am working on this project and I found #getmakerlog very interesting, as I don't have a team and I work from home. Trying to build a digital company without money and without technical skills, eeek! All of the users I've seen have a GitHub account (and so do I, but I am no tech), so that gives me a hint that this is just for developers. Is it?

We are all kinds makers here, with different skills, devs, designers, non-coders and everything in between. Regardless of your skillset and how you make your projects, you're a maker, so Makerlog is your home 😁 You can also join Telegram group for help, feedback, saying hi, or whatever.

Welcome, Belen!


Agreed! Makerlog is a place for everyone - there's designers and nocode folks here. It's all about self improvement and shipping sustainable businesses.

Fabio Rosado

Hello again Belen, like Sergio said we have a little of everything in makerlog! Are you looking for some help with something or just want to try and become more productive?

Makerlog did help me a log to work pretty much every day on my side projects 😁

Belen Torres Author

I can always do with some help, but at the moment I'm setting up my account and so on. Also, productivity is always a thing to improve. So far I like it. I must say that I signed up because of #fixathon #fixtheclimate project :)


There's plenty of members of Makerlog who are not techies, or not currently working in code. The majority are people with tech knowledge, yes. But I'd say take a look at the Telegram group where most of the action happens for a sample of what types of people are using it!

Good luck with your company!


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