What are you currently working on? [February 2021]
I'd love to know what you're working on as a Developer.
I love seeing builders everywhere. 🤩
I’m building Metronome: landing pages for podcasts! Greetings from Malaysia 🇲🇾
@FaizMetronome Wow! Super excited about this, can't wait to see how it goes far for you.
By the way, greetings from Nigeria :)
If you have any friends who run podcasts, do let them know about Metronome!
Working on #detoxbox, an extension that helps you unsubscribe from mailing lists, clean up your inbox, and be more productive with your email.
Currently working on #intheloop.
Keeping up with the constantly changing dev ecosystem can be pretty time-consuming. I use many different channels to stay updated.
I've decided to build a little page that aggregates all this information for the tech I am using myself. A single source to see releases, books, communities, blogs, newsletters, …
Documenting my journey on makerlog and twitter.
Working on a meme app for Android called Meeeme. Seeking some growth hacking tips if anyone has any ideas to share.
check us out: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.meme.lishup
I'm building talkie.team : we are currently focused on completing the development of widget for beta rollout.
@AlexSorokoletov You can check out basic formatting tutorial that is mentioned in this Basicformatting
It's always nice to see a fellow Nigerian maker. I'm currently building https://bugshare.io
and my main focus this month is creating content/functionality to help people understand what Bugshare is and how it works.
Preparing the first issue of useMakerNotes.com
Will be sending an outline to current subscribers for feedback. My goal is to have a resourceful, yet free, guide
✍️🎯 Continuing to work on my very first SaaS - Lifelog! It's a community not unlike Makerlog, but instead of tasks, we log 100 words a day at least everyday, and focused on writing towards our goals (whatever those goals might be).
Been shipping like crazy the past month, launching features like notifications system, public profile pages, goals pages, a self-made roadmap, and a stable streak algorithm. Hoping to ship more and get towards stable version 1.0 by end of Feb, if not early Mar. There's a few more key features which I feel should exist in a stable v1.0, like edit/delete for all user-generated content (posts, goals, comments), upload profile pics, and a roadmap that users can comment, vote on.
Can't wait!
@jasonleow Good job, I've been always visiting the site and have been seeing you're making progress in shipping.
I've got a few things I wanted to say and ask 1) A while back I tried to register on the platform until I saw that I had to pay to even register. Why must users pay to use the platform? Why would someone pay to post their goals online? I think the high barrier to entry would put a lot of people from signing up, since you don't have a free option.
2) Lifelog isn't actually a SaaS. SaaS is something completely different to what you're building. Lifelog is an online community platform.
@_UchennaOkafor thanks for your questions. True, you can post your goals for free on your own physical notebook or website/blog. The open-secret of the value behind Lifelog is in the encouraging community, helping each other be accountable and inspiring each other. It's great if you like more a more social aspect to achieving your goals. Of course, other value is the convenience it gives as a tool to track streak, goals, give back data and metrics on your writing.
I decided to go for paid community from the get-go because
1) learning from previous writing platform I was on which offered free option, there were a lot of spammers. The payment helps filter them out. 2) the paywall as a filter to build a more self-selective, curated community. If someone is willing to pay $10 to join a community to progress on their goals, they are likely to be more serious and committed. I like hanging out with these folks (I use the site heavily too), they are inspiring. Less noise, more quality in the community (no guarantee of course, but this filter helps)
Re: SaaS definition, I'm probably using the word quite charitably. An online community platform is more accurate, yes. But I'm not too concerned about the definitions tbh…
That's fair enough and your rationale makes sense. Good luck with Lifelog :D
Hi 👋,
I'm working on Featrd - a SAAS platform geared toward better feature request management for businesses. While I know there are quite a number of tools such as this on the web, I don't understand why they cost so much for companies when they just so happen to become an important part of a company's tech stack. Getting user feedback and letting them see progress is super important IMO.
Coming from a CS role and moving up in the company at my regular 9-5, I've seen time and time again where customers have 0 visibility into what's being worked on, what's coming up next, or if the company really values their feedback when they ask for new features. All the requests go into a deep, long Jira backlog for months where the customers never sees/hears an update for a long, long time. By that time, I'm sure the customer churned waiting.
I personally have been bothered by it for a while now; so my goal is to help change that in an affordable way with what I'm building.
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